Courseplay v 6.5
Courseplay v 6.5
Version 6.5:
* Countless fixes for SP and MP
* Enabled debug Channels for Non Developer Version
* Mode 9 course simplified, now only needs a wait Point at the Unload Position
* Ropa Maus 5 now works in Mode 9 (Start, drive a bit forwards and stop)
* Food Mixer now works in Mode 9
* Mode 10 now change its work Mode based on the Attached Tool
* Shields can now be attached at the Front (also for Vehicle with turned Cabin)
* Shield and Shovel work width is now calculated Automatically and better visual when change the Value
* Search Radius in Mode 10 is now visible when changing the Value
* Mode 2 can now be used with AD
* Some Mode 2 tweaks
* Better Pocket Handling for Combines
* Follow Chopper through turn is now better and faster
* Tool Position can now be saved in Mode 8, for Combine and Sugarcane Trailer
* Sugarcane Trailer can now be used to overload in Mode 3
* Course Generator Settings are now saved in the Vehicles.xml
* Fuel Save improved