Farming Simulator 19 graphics

In the annual report, the non-German-speaking publisher “Focus Home Interactive” announced the Farming Simulator 19 with a new graphics engine. The new graphics engine should even be able to keep up with leading products.

Excerpt from the official, English-language press release:
“Farming Simulator wants to get back in its 19th version, with Mudrunner, who wants to take advantage of it.” of the release of its US extension to relaunch in September in stores and for download in a special edition. ”

This all fits in with the information published so far – a few weeks ago there was talk of a “nearly photorealistic graphics”.

In addition, on the “WhatsNext” event of the publisher at the stand of the agricultural simulator (plastic) horses were to see … if that means that horses will be included in the LS19, but has not been officially confirmed (see pictures here).

So it remains exciting – we keep you always up to date!
Further information about the LS19 can be found in our first video.

3 thoughts on “Farming Simulator 19 graphics

  • claudemir says:
    7 years ago

    Estou ansioso pra o lançamento

  • Saad says:
    7 years ago

    Can anybody speak English

  • Saad says:
    7 years ago

    I have talked to two people who can’t speak English

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